Acupuncture works by neuromodulation: Needle insertion causes micro trauma to the tissue and leads to a complex series of reactions that stimulate the nervous system.
Acupuncture has been shown to
increase blood and lymphatic flow to tissues
stimulate nerve function
increase the release of neurotransmitters and pain modulators
influence inflammatory responses
help the release of hormones.
Conditions treated by acupuncture
Spinal Disease
Pain Syndromes (Muscular / Trigger Point)
Neurological Disorders (Vestibular Disease / Paralysis / Brain Disorders)
Urinary Disease (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease / Incontinence)
Lick Granuloma / Chronic Wounds
Behavioural Disorders / Anxiety
Telehealth Acupuncture Consultation
An initial telehealth consultation is required in order to ascertain your goals, review a full medical history and discuss the appropriateness of acupuncture for your pet.
Our acupuncture telehealth consultations are $100.
Mobile Acupuncture Treatment
Performed in the comfort of your own home. We will bring everything to you. The treatment involves a quick physical examination, and the acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture treatments can be booked following the initial telehealth consultation.
We service Melbourne CBD and Greater Melbourne regions.
Our acupuncture appointments are $150. Additional travel surcharges may be required for some locations.